Upper Market

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Master your pricing to exceed your key financial goals

We partner with B2B companies with ambitious growth goals to optimize + maximize their pricing without the stress or friction of losing clients or facing market backlash.

Most companies spend less than a single business day every financial year improving their pricing.

However, pricing is the most direct and effective growth lever in any business.

We're here for you to take advantage of safe, powerful pricing strategy.

The world’s largest companies, the most successful and profitable organisations, and leading investors all have a common factor: they strategically prioritize pricing.


Because optimizing your pricing is the quickest, most direct, and most effective way to drive business growth and to surpass key financial goals.

Even a 1% increase to rates can lead to a +10% increase to margins. Very often, price optimization is unsuitably left until last as an option for growth.

Why aren’t more organisations relying on price optimization?

Because pricing is seen as a mix between an art, science, skill and theory, and any increase to prices is often feared.

This is why we created Upper.Market. We’re experts in all things pricing + strategy for large, growing B2B companies. 

By partnering with us, your organisation will be on the safest track to improve its pricing without the fear of losing clients or market shock.

Client Success

Our average retainers of 7K per month have increased currently circa 25K. The support and assistance from the team at Upper.Market has been critical for us to successful improve the way we price, and the impact on our margins are tremendously obvious. I was pleasantly surprised as to the impact on the marketing and sales process- we spend less time qualifying and more time working directly with significant prospects who don't complain about budget.
Client 02
Robbie C.
Director of Sorenborn
Our change to focus on HNW and celebrity clients has resulted in us growing our revenues by nearly 8x in less than 4 years. Our pricing has played a significant part in this journey, and that is where we confided in your support.
Client 04
Equity Partner at Top 50 Management Consultancy
We're in a competitive field providing alternative healthcare for B2B orgs in MENA. With the support of Upper.Market, we're currently sitting at a 39% improvement to our net margins directly attributed to the way we monetize. We haven't lost any key clients as a result of the changes.
Client 01
Sally R.
Commercial Director of AutoCare LLC
Astan has advised us for years as we became the local leader of energy law in CEE. Prior to the transition, I never saw our small firm turning over +10mn EUR per year. We are today, and we continue to grow. The next stop is EUR25mn and the Upper.Market fractional pricing leadership keeps me confident that we will attain this big goal.
Client 03
Andreas O.
Director at DAC

Who We Work With

Private Equity

We’re a chosen partner to PE (UK, EU and US) for pricing strategy + optimization across their B2B portfolios. 

Series A+ Funded Orgs

We’re the Pricing lead (strategy + execution) for institutionally-backed companies where the stakes are high and everything ‘standard’ does not apply.

Large Established Corps

Who need to stand out in a competitive market and find new channels for growth through a new pricing strategy. 

Take the short form assessment to see where you best fit.

Benefits of Working With Us

Learn more by searching through our videos, connecting via LinkedIn, or reading and interacting with our Resources.

Increased Revenue and Earnings

So far, we've succeeded with 15% increases, to +300%!

Appreciated Business Value

Given that optimized pricing impacts all financial KPIs.

Increased New Business Win Rate

Arising from a better sales cycle and conversion rates.

Increased Customer LTV

Directly adding to margins whilst also reducing CACs.


We take a partner-driven approach to our rates, where we’ll structure most of our fees (50-80%) based on business performance and results. 

Every engagement is negotiable to your budget, needs and requirements. 

Initial Assessment

This is the best way to determine whether we are a good fit. A quicker evaluation can be started online (click here).

Business Outcomes

If we're a good fit, then we establish clear ROI goals and ensure/commit our involvement adds value.

Hands-on Advisory

Our works start with providing strategic executive support tailored to your needs, both virtually and in-person (scope is flexible).

Financial Results

Having partnered with us, your business will achieve measurable financial improvements and surpass key performance indicators.

Pricing Successes

The relationship with the team of Upper Market has been very positive. We pivoted a SaaS tool into a SaaS plus Services solution and pricing was a key part of our strategy to enable safe and sustainable growth over the last 4 years. 


Riuhi W.

CEO of Click Profits

We selected Upper Market to support our growth plans after raising the Series A. We realised we had to realign what we were doing commercially, and we had many segments of buyers, leaving at least 25% of revenue on the table. After 6 months or so, we’re nearly double in MRR and the pricing strategy was critical to this growth.


Sally C.

Commercial Director, Plantar

Pricing for a new line of our games dev tech was really important. I had a feeling we had it wrong, and we did. After the support of Upper Market, we improved client LTV by nearly 45%. It’s such a big difference- I don’t think others understand the power of the right price. Thanks for all your help.


Kev R.

Director at 1x2

Frequently Asked Questions

Other questions? You can send us an email (info@upper.market) or connect with us via LinkedIn.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.

The range is 5K-20K per month, plus performance bonus(es) on business trading results and the achievement of agreed KPIs

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.

The Playbook

We’ve not just ‘walked the walk’ on Pricing. We have written the official book on it too: 

The B2B Pricing Playbook:  Actionable Insights to Maximize Price Without Fear of Market Backlash (2025)

Register for a free printed copy on launch.

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